This Halloween Candy Gift Box is no trick. Treat someone special with this one of a kind gift. Includes: Bone heads Skull Candies, Pumpkin Face Gum, Gummi Tarantula, Eyes of Terror Gum, Fun Dip, Gummy Fang, Pumpkin Face Coins, Halloween Peeps, Jawbusters, Laffy Taffy, Halloween Fun Pops, Sour Pop Rocks, Pixi Stix, Shockers, Halloween Pez Dispenser, Push Pop, Pumpkin Face Suckers, Giant Smarties, Tangy Tongue, Wax Fang, Zotz, Zours, Atomic Fireballs, Bazooka, Lemonheads, Now & Laters & Sour Patch Straws. Over 2 pounds of the best "Trick Or Treat" Candy in the World! Buy Now